Towards the cosmos and beyond: the vibrant exhibition "When time becomes matter" in Paris
The stars, their trajectory and their light are summoned in the capital by the work of artists Félicie d'Estienne d'Orves and Gabriel Sobin. In a "cosmic dialogue", their works question our relationship to time and space with strength and subtlety.
One works on light, time, the stars and their trajectories. The other sculpts alabaster and onyx in the mass and waves. On the one hand, vibrant and minimalist installations, on the other, imposing and elegant sculptures. And yet the connection between these two very different artists, Félicie d'Estienne d'Orves and Gabriel Sobin, sounds obvious. They are gathered for a "cosmic dialogue" within an exhibition named "When time becomes matter", in the Marais in Paris. The event intends to explore "different chronological scales and our relationship to space", explains Sean Rose, its curator.
Between earth and sky
Stars, planets and other meteorites are summoned here to intersect with us in a dizzying dialogue. For the two artists place at the heart of their work "celestial bodies, their manifestation in space, their falls on our planet". Imbued with Zen culture, the Franco-American Gabriel Sobin creates stone sculptures that let the light pass through, in an effect of contrast between mass and impalpable: like the captivating Wave, which reproduces the natural movement of sound or liquid waves, with an alabaster beating heart. As for Félicie d'Estienne d'Orves, she feeds on astrophysics research in multiform installations, in direct and permanent link with the stars. Thus, this Martian Sun, whose lighting translates into luminous intensity the position of the Sun on the horizon of Mars in real time, or these magnificent plaster bas-reliefs of the topography of the Endeavour crater. Works that capture the distant signals sent by the cosmos.
At the initiative of this meeting both terrestrial and spatial, we find the art agent Béatrice Masi, founder of the nomadic project The Spaceless Gallery. This young Franco-Australian has exceptionally settled in a gallery, rue Saint-Claude in Paris, but develops a concept of decentralized exhibitions, in new places in France and abroad: house, villas, boats, florists, workshops ... A project in the image of the art market today, she explains: "Globalized, itinerant and flexible.
"When time becomes matter", exhibition of Félicie d'Estienne d'Orves and Gabriel Sobin, The Spaceless Gallery, until November 4, at 7 rue Saint-Claude, 75003 Paris.
Vers le cosmos et au-delà : la vibrante exposition «Dans les plis du temps» à Paris
Entre terre et ciel