
Leah Kaplan is a ceramic artist based in Philadelphia. She makes hand-built porcelain vessels and objects. Having worked in clay for 30 years, she has honed her skills in studios and schools in New York City, Washington, D.C., and Philadelphia. 

Her work explores movement, texture and translucency through sculptural forms. Her signature porcelain vessels blend fluidity with minimalism, belying intricate construction that beckons viewers to take a closer look. Her artistic process is rooted in age-old hand-building techniques, such as pinching, coiling and slab-building. However, her deep dive into porcelain’s materiality often yields surprising results. As Leah is constantly experimenting with different tools and techniques, many of my favorite methods were discovered through happy accidents. She also draws inspiration from other mediums, such as basketry and textiles. Her creative process embraces curiosity and openness in how it combines intent, intuition and serendipity. 

Leah’s vessels have been shown in internationally acclaimed shows across the United States, including Palm Beach Gallery in Florida, Homo Faber in Italy, Onna House in East Hampton, NY, and Strohl Art Center in Chautauqua, NY.  
