Fiona Young Napanangka
Language Group: Ngaatjatjarra and Pintupi/Luritja
Fiona was born at Tjukurla, Western Australia. She is the daughter of renowned artist Tjawina Porter Nampitjinpa. They and the rest of her family still live at Tjukurla and go to Alice Springs to paint.
About this painting -
Women’s Ceremony at Yumarra
Fiona has painted designs that are associated with the rock holes at Yumarra, northwest of Docker River in the Walter James Range. A group of ancestral women passed through this site during their travels to Punkilpirri and then north to Tjukula. They stopped at Yumarra and sat around the waterholes preparing for their ceremonies. The rock holes are the concentric circles. The women (U shapes) then ground ochres for body painting and prepared bush tucker. The three circles with lines in them are the ochre preparation areas, the little circles show bush tomato (Hucklejerry) being prepared. The wavy lines represent the sandhills and the creeks that run between the waterholes when it rains.