Nyilari Tjapangati
24 x 36 in
Born: 1964
Nyilyari is the son of Pinta Pinta Tjapanangka andwas named after his grandfather. He lives at Kintore and used to help prime canvases for Papunya.
This painting depicts the Rockhole site of Karilwarra. This painting depicts the Dreamtime story of the two snake Tingari ancestors, one male and one female that travelled to the rock hole site of Karilwarra. They came from the east and passed through the huge salt lake, Lake MacKay. During these travels the snakes made many of the lakes, saltpans and sand hills which feature in this country. The Tingari are a group of mythological beings of the Dreaming who travelled over vast tracts of land, performing rituals and creating and shaping particular sites. Their travels and adventures are enshrined in a number of song cycles and ceremonies.