Volutes, tresses, lianes ensauvagées : rien ne semble freiner l’envol de ces assises-sculptures, ces mobilesà la Calder qui stupéfient le visiteur, à peine franchies les portes de cet atelier dans un ancien moulin de Presles (Val-d’Oise).

Par Véronique Lorelle, Le Monde, 9 Sep 2023


Volutes, braids, wild vines: nothing seems to slow down the flight of these seat-sculptures, these Calder-style mobiles which astound the visitor, as soon as they enter the doors of this workshop in an old mill in Presles (Val-d'Oise) ). In this rural Ile-de-France village, Aurélie Hoegy, 34, twirls in jeans and a t-shirt among the rattan works that she has created with her hands for months, with infinite patience.


Here, the Wild Fibers Duchess bench, disheveled sofa style, on which her cat Vague likes to sleep: a version entered the collections of the Center Pompidou, in Paris, before being paraded in the exhibition "Mimèsis, a living design ", at the Center Pompidou-Metz, in 2022-2023. There, drying under white curtains, the Wild Fibers Tapestry, a three-dimensional work on its way to the Museum of Fine Arts in Houston, Texas (United States), where it will be suspended in one of the beautiful rooms of this grandiose place. Here again, a small stool with bamboo legs, not yet wrapped in rattan, which targets a wider audience of amateurs, those who favor natural materials for their interior. He must go to Mexico, exhibited as part of Mexico Design Week, from October 10 to November 5.


From the outset, Aurélie Hoegy was interested in design linked to movement, in objects that come to life in one way or another. This is evidenced by her first creation – a lamp with an interlacing of untamed threads – which the student native of Saint-Martin-d'Hères, near Grenoble, designed for her final diploma from the Design Academy Eindhoven, in The Netherlands. “It was in Eindhoven that I learned to bring out, without fear, what I have inside ,” she confides.


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